Monday, May 4, 2009

4W driving on Fraser Island

We considered Priscilla too much of a lady to subject her to the grinds and bumps of the inland tracks and separated her from Max on Fraser Island. The first photo shows the view from our camp spot and the second shows Priscilla left on her lonesome by the sea shore. The third photo shows them together again at Eli Creek with the Coral Sea as the backdrop.

4W driving by the way is an activity that requires endless patience. Tyres need to be let down and re-pumped for various conditions. Sand driving requires a pressure of about 25 psi or less whereas bitumen driving requires 40 psi or more when the camper is on top. Variations of that are more complicated. Getting Priscilla on and off also requires endless patience, manoeuvring of the vehicle and precision. I could not have wished for a more patient and scrupulously exacting man than Andrew with whom to embark on this odyssey around OZ.

Experience of Fraser Island virtually persuaded us from giving up the idea of going to Cape York with Priscilla. Our clearance is too high for the tracks on the Cape and the tracks may be too corrugated and bumpy for us to attempt it. There are too many other lovely and interesting places to go and see without jeopardising our safety.
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1 comment:

  1. Nikki and Andrew - I can see you are both really getting documenting the journey! Keep it up. (Katie)
